Blues platform

installation - 2015

An in-situ sculpture, an installation made-to-measure that you can climb on, a landscape in which to roam, space to observe and observe oneself, Blues platform is built in the dimensions of the site which generates it. Two rooms in a row mirror each other, their angles create stages which overlap and the plan of the place becomes a drawing in the space. Covered with carpet, it invites the visitor to climb its different steps, to sit down, to lye down, to touch it, to take the time to contemplate the space which surrounds them. It only shows what is it from various points of view. Such geometrical architecture taken out of the ground, it inverts the idea of the tier or the amphitheater and indicates that what is to be seen is no longer in the center, but around the outside. The volume and the vacuum in a way are reversed, it is up to the body to take the measure of the exhibition, for the visitor to experience the piece.///////Set to be experienced more than contemplated, Blues platform is a minimal fiction to be lived. It is a blue world in which to dream, a spiritual escape which is also the allegory of the night and sadness.

Bois, moquette. 20x7x1,2m