capsule 1.15
installation - 2014
“The shop window, the sometimes indecent incitement to a useless consumption, to fashion debauchery, to the superfluous, attracts the pedestrians by its light at any hour of the day or night. Public place, it presents objects and emphasizes them. //////// The sculptures, realized specially to reside in the Capsule of the Genevan art space (Hall Nord), live side by side and at the same time as they expose themselves to the view. Invisible threads are being weaved linkages arise among them and they steer the glances that settle on them, from a silvery sky-reservoir to an outgrowth in Plexiglas suspended up to the pink dancing lines of a shape at the same time known and strange. ” A shop window is an enchantment and a frustration but also an information which is the advertising’s main strategy. ” Wrote Jean Baudrillard, in The System of objects. By this work, the faded atmosphere of a detached house and its playful surrounding landscape take shape through the relations between forms, materials and colors. It is also related to painting, as evoked in Capsule 1.15, by its frontality and its composition, every element speaking about a whole. Sculptures collide with the ground, with the walls and with the ceiling of the shop window which enclose them as much as supporting them.”
Diverse objects. 150x50x250cm